Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Week 11 Announcements

Congrats on finishing the Game project! No more teams you guys are free!

For this week, you guys were given the choice of choosing an animated Disney Movie and Hayao Miyazaki movie and twisting it/ revamping it to be a live action movie. Please do NOT pick another live action movie and please make sure it is Disney and/or a Miyazaki film. Can you do other animated features that are disney/miyazaki related even if it's not a movie? A big MAYBE, please email ahead of time with your general ideas if that's your case.

Keep in mind that you are working on THREE characters, and this project is LIVE ACTION. Cartoon style is not what we will be exploring this time! Think realistic!

Looking for a different culture? Be careful about what you google up! If we see costumes up there that are Halloween costumes or THE WRONG CULTURE you can and will get docked down for it .We'll get upset! You looking up reference you're surfing the web take the time to know what you're getting!

No worries we won't be that upset, but we will point it out, and it'll show how poor your skills are when it comes to starting new projects. You will be required to do lots of this! Hell you guys already do this for almost every assignment you do, get good at it now's the time!

  • Please choose THREE actors that match whatever roles you have chosen. Underneath each actor, please type out a single word that describes their trait or characteristic as to why you think they would fit the role. An example would be that I decided to choose Dwayne the Rock Johnson for....idk Beast from Beauty and the Beast. Underneath his picture I would add something like strong, aggressive, kind, anything that relates to said character you know? Don't just pick someone at random because of their looks only! Build matters as well!
  • Make reference sheets of everything you plan on exploring. Costume is the main focus of this assignment, so please do lots of extensive RESEARCH. In the industry, you will be asked to jump on projects that require so much research, companies do this all the time and even spend millions of dollars just to study extensively. Please do your research RIGHT.
  • Stick to the original story! Picking Little Mermaid? Tarzan? Hercules? What is the general plot? What are the important parts you cannot leave out in your story? Do not change the story, bend the story to match whatever you're doing. Despite these restrictions, you guys have a lot of freedom to explore the project.
  • Make your own templates! Put your name on all pages and whatnot! Do not just come to class with things jumbled onto a white page! You guys should not this one by now, it should be second nature!
  • Reference your world as well! What sort of environment do your characters reside in? This will help us understand and visualize your characters easier and it'll also help you as well!
  • Do some early preliminary sketches of what you're conceptualizing! They can be loose! Don't just come to class empty handed with only refs, start something! 

That's it for now. Questions send to I'll be sure to answer faster this time, last week was real busy. See you all next week!

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