Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Week 06 Announcements

Keep at it, you guys are doing great!
This week's hw is pretty simple, here's what you gotta do.

  • Do 20 sketches again for each of your characters, so that's three characters you all work on each so we expect to see 60 or more, remember 60 is minimum.

  • HAVE A THEME for your team. Now that you guys have drawn body types, we'd like to think you have a feel for each character and what their role is going to be. The theme must be consistent as well, we don't want different themes in a single team.

  • Now that you have a team, you can explore personality, costume, and the overall look for your characters. Have fun with this! Explore and have some diversity.

  • Please do not copy the Street fighter character you are referencing off of. Remember, you are only going for the ARCHETYPE and their FIGHTING STYLE. Body type doesn't have to be similar, but take into consideration what their fighting style is, that is what will affect your character's body.

  • Reference reference reference! If you're having trouble with how your character is shaped or such, look up real examples of real fighters or from other games and shows.

  • Please do not only use the body types you drew this week. You are welcome to "recycle" a couple you liked, but change it up. No one had proper anatomy for any of their drawings this week, please fix them up.

  • If you don't have a title/logo for your team, be sure to come up with it now!
That's it for now, draw overs or questions send to You all know the due dates by now, see you all next week!

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