Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Week 04 Announcements

Great job this week everyone!!!
Way to go on the teamwork you guys, now it's time to really
This is your last assignment for the cartoon stylization afterwards you will all be going into...GAME ART!Good news? The game assignment you guys as a class get to pick. Vote wise, we'll tell you the details when we see you guys two weeks from now. You all get MUCH more freedom though woohoo!

Please remember everyone's work MUST be up by the 23rd of February, 12 am sharp! That is 2 weeks to work on this assignment, you all have so much time so please get it ALL DONE. 
Some of you haven't been reaching the minimum amount of sketching. Please remember that not only do you get graded down for that, but you are hurting your teammates as well. Don't be the individual that drags your team down!

This isn't required, but you may send me your progress sometime during the week or Sunday night that is recommended.(Email is dunesandd@yahoo.com!) That way, I can do paint overs and help you all with fixing mistakes. You don't have to send me anything but we do recommend it; this is the final for this set of assignments so you really want it to be nice, your work from the beginning has lead up to this! We can also make sure you aren't slacking and on track! The best way is for team leaders this week to gather up however many drawings you've all done by sunday and send it to me via email or making a folder in the Transfer Volume at school so I may pick it up with ease, please be sure to tell me though!

This assignment has a lot of rules I gotta go through, I'm going to try and make this as clear as possible but if you're still confused please email me and I'll get back to you guys on it!

  • You are all required to create a minimum of 5 sheets for your style guides. Again, this is only the minimum, you are always welcome to do more. Do any less, we might have a problem on our hands!
  • Each individual should still be working on THREE characters each. If you have overlapping characters within the group, do not put the two same characters in a single sheet, make separate ones.
  • For how much you have to draw your characters, we will leave up to you, but we are seriously expecting to see a GOOD AMOUNT. Hong said for his Art Center kids they drew them 60 times overall for each individual! When one creates a style guide, they still draw their characters on separate sheets MULTIPLE times to show how their characters move and interact/look overall. Perfect your characters!
  • Do a final line up of all of your characters again like you've done before. If they don't fit into one page that's ok, don't squish everything on one page.
  • Template is conceptualized together! How will you all make your templates look? What sort of things will you add in, and what will you not? We do recommend team leaders organize it so that each person has similar things in their templates, but if anything make it to where you assign jobs to each other. Who does this, who does that? Who will write down the info, who will do the height charts and so forth.
  • Style guides should be clean. Hong said a successful style guide is one where even someone who speaks a foreign language can understand how to draw and how not to draw your characters. We're not saying don't add text by all means PLEASE DO, but you are all visual artists and that is your strong suits.
  • Focus on even the smallest and minor details of your character styles. Line quality, shape, size, what sort of limits do their bodies have, how do they bend, how do they not bend etc etc? You all know the drill if you paid attention in class. Dane, Aaron, Andrew, and Nicole's team was off to a great start today in class and if you all paid attention to what they were saying, probably have a good idea as to how to start off as well.

If we are given permission by the Art Center guys, we will post up examples but if not afraid you will all have to look online for some examples.That's really it for now. You all know the other BASIC rules by now yadayada names on templates, presentation skills, and whatnot.

This is all about teamwork remember that guys; this assignment leans heavily towards communication skills. Good luck guys, can't wait to see some of your progress this Sunday and the final results next Sunday.

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