Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Week 01 Announcements

Hey guys welcome to Character Design 1! TA here or just call me Jeong, hope you enjoy your stay and hope you're all ready to draw.

You guys were required to pick one live action movie and a cartoon style (both PREFERABLY American but there are some Japanese animation exceptions!) You all got together with your teams and talked it out, so there shouldn't be any confusion as to what movies and cartoons you chose, it's recommended you all know by now so you can start sketching immediately! YOUR TEAMS MUST HAVE EVERYTHING POSTED BY NEXT FRIDAY NIGHT. So that will be the 23rd.

There was a lot of confusion in class due to the large list of rules set out for you guys. No worries! Here's a run down of everything you guys have to do:

  • Each team member is required to draw THREE characters. You must do 20 full body sketches per character MINIMUM.  Do fun poses, standing poses, have fun with it! (Floating heads and bust don't count as a full body I'm afraid! Those are extra if you wanna sketch a lot!) Your group is allowed to share TWO characters together each. So if two of your group members decide to draw two of the exact same characters, that's perfectly fine so as long as you both do the work. Just because you're doing the same thing doesn't mean you can do less work!
  • You are all required to do 30 style sketches so that you may warm up to the style you have all chosen. So let's say you chose the style Powerpuff Girls, well that means find a screenshot, turn on a video, but draw 30 sketches of the characters in said chosen show!
  • When you are all done with your character sketches, please line them up preferably to where we can read them easily like 2 rows 10 characters per row? You don't have to do that exact, but make it clean. ALSO do not expect your team leader to be organizing everything for you. Please put your characters in the templates your team leaders will send you, and send it back to them. Then from then on they're welcome to talk to you or step in if it is a little messy. Don't overburden your team leader ack!
  • Most people seem to like sketching digitally, but you're welcome to draw traditional and scan them into the computer. If you are going to do that though, please clean up your sketches, make sure they're visible on the computer, and we better not see any traces of your sketchbook's paper on there! That's a mark down for poor presentation!
  • MAKE YOUR OWN REFERENCE SHEETS! This goes for everyone even team leaders. If you picked a certain character, then you're required to make a sheet for that character. It's really easy just go on the internet get a couple pics and collage them together onto one page in the template your team leader will make for you.
  • Have fun! Have you met your new teammates before? Have you not? Doesn't matter! Teamwork is all about communication. Get to know your teammates and work together(if you have the time!) chat together. Hong and I can give you valuable information, but so can your fellow classmates.

Team Leaders this week are: DANE, SONIA, VANESSA, AND MIRANDA. 

Here is what you will need to do:
  • As the team leader, you are required to organize the presentation together and make sure everything is nice and neat. You are welcome to put all 30 sketches on one page as well as a single sheet for each of your 20 characters, but remember that if it seems as though it looks too crammed, you're welcome to split it into more pages. We actually prefer it! Please do not cram everything into one page and make it look squashed!
  • You must make a template for your team to post their work in. Your template can be fairly simple no worries, it helps organize everyone's drawings so it doesn't look like you just dumped a bunch of sketches on paper; it makes it look like an actual presentation! So yeah, be sure to make that real quick and send it out to your teammates.
  • Other than your own reference pages, you are required to make the reference pages of the overall movie and cartoon style you chose. Fairly simple!
  • Please include everyone's names somewhere on EACH page. In the industry, someone might be looking at your stuff, and ANY page can spark your attention but OH NO! What if your name isn't on there? Odds are they aren't going to make the effort to ask and pass along. 
  • Please include the logos of the show and movie somewhere on EACH page. This is basically everything that goes along with your template making. When you hand the template out to everyone, it should have the logos and your names on it!
  • When you compile everyone work together, you should title it like so: Name_Name_Name_(However many folks you got,first names are fine.)_(Movie/Style)_(Week #)
  • Help and listen! This is just a suggestion hahahaha. As team leaders you guys are in charge of your teams, but you also gotta listen to everyone's suggestions and opinions.You guys should be very good on communication by the way. Are you a bit shy and somewhat of a quiet information? That's fine but for your teammates be sure you guys are communicating well with them and making sure they're communication with their teammates! Make sure everyone's voices are heard, if someone is having trouble with something, go on in and help them. Have fun with your team! However don't force your way into helping folks, nobody likes that yikes! If there is someone that is causing trouble in the group however, please tell Hong or me and we'll talk to that person one on one.

Here's some pages from a group from last semester as examples.(Again, it's an example don't copy it exactly!)

That's it for now. Presentation and organization wise, we'll leave to you guys. Remember to have fun,work together, and don't stress out! You guys got a ton of time and this should be a fun assignment where you guys can explore styles and hey even watch some movies and cartoons with buds while you draw. If you guys have any questions you guys can contact me at dunesandd@yahoo.com or just stop me if you see me at school. I hope most of you have gotten the emails I've sent you by now and are reading this! If not, please tell your teammates to contact me and I'll add you guys straight away. That's it for now, good luck!

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