Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Week 02 Announcements

Hey guys TA again! Usually the date to turn in things from now on is on Sunday nights or specifically Monday 12AM!  Remember to have posted everything by then!

Week 03 and already we all have so much hw...!
Don't go nuts guys! Time manage well! Get some sleep!

-My email is dunesandd@yahoo.com. It usually takes me a day or less to get back to you guys, but if you have any questions or even want me to draw over some stuff, shoot me an email or stop me at school!

A reminder that this week's HW is to:

  • Redo the same movie/style you chose along with again, three characters (20 sketch per character is the minimum but you are welcome to do MORE!) Please don't copy paste the exact same sketches you did this week and add them to the final hw, we will notice and the WHOLE team will be docked points for poor presentation yikes!
  • You are welcome to redraw the exact same characters you chose or you may want to switch it up and change characters with a teammate, your choice! Remember that you are welcome to share characters and draw the same ones but they must look different! They must look like they came from the show, but has more than one variation.
  • You must do TWO final line ups for your team. So team leaders, look over all the sketches with your teammates, and talk it out with each other to choose which TWO are the best of each of your twenty sketches. So let's say you drew 20 Boba Fett's, you'd pick out two for your first and second line-up. 
  • Repost your reference pages again along with your drawings! Easy enough!
  • Your final sketches must be clean, precise, and appear as though they were all drawn by one person who works on the show. We do not want to see any paper marks, odd yellow coloring from scanning, poor line work, etc etc. Also, the finals must be in digital if you all have guessed by now! This can prove to be a difficult challenge depending on what show you all chose. Pay attention to what makes the show's style pop out; is it the line weight? Is it heavily relied on shape? Form? Textures? All the things you learned this week.
  • Do not simply copy characters from shows and just slap on small features and call it quits, or say that the show has very little reference for _______. That is a poor excuse and will not cut it! You are all artists who are also problem solvers! In the work field one of the main things they look for are individuals you can solve problems easily. It shows us you are flexible and can get the job done without excuses!
  • Be sure to communicate well! As you all have noticed by now, only the team leaders can edit the entire post. Whoever the team leaders are this time around, BE SURE TO KEEP IN TOUCH WITH YOUR TEAMMATES. As for teammates, please communicate well with your team leader. Don't give them things last minute! 
Here is one of the more successful line-ups from last semester!


This is so you guys don't fumble around up when you present your work and hey even for future presentations that'll land you a job who knows! Pay attention and remember these certain things!

  • Remember to please PLEASE put your name on everything you've done! 
  • Number everything! Numbering sketches helps us pick out things with ease!
  • TEAM LEADERS please introduce your group, you also all have rad group names go ahead and tell us!
  • Teammates be sure to introduce yourselves at the beginning of every presentation as well! Don't hide, stand where we can see everyone!
  • Know what characters you're talking about/drawing. How are you going to present something you know nothing about??
  • Own up to your drawings! Who did what? Be proud of your work! If you're quiet and awkward up there, we'll assume you're not proud of your art.
  • Don't fumble around with the keyboard and go uh oh and pause and confuse others. These are slight mistakes but you still get docked down for them! Organize your presentations WAY ahead of time so things don't get mixed up during your presentation! Will one person flip around the pages? Who will do it? Figure these things out early.
  • DO NOT edit or post things while in class. We were lenient this past week, but if you do not post all of your work at the due date (Again, Monday at 12 AM or Sunday night) you will not get to present your work. The blog shows when you last edit/post things!
  • Please do not cram everything into one page. If your sketches start getting small, make more pages! We prefer it in fact! Even for your line-ups, if your characters don't all fit, THAT'S FINE. Split up the pages we do not mind at all!
  • Team Leaders if someone is confused and don't know what to say, you're expected to fill in and tell us what your teammate can't say. Backing up your fellow teammates is a really awesome thing to do, and will show us just how much you've been communicating with your team.
  • Explain your process, but don't repeat yourself and tell us things we already know. Keep it short and simple, but don't zip by as well! Not only does it get hot in that room, we present in the dark at night. Keep us focused and interested otherwise people will start to fall asleep.

Here are the slides and Style Guide that Hong showed you all this week.  We have the Design Wheel and Style Guide/Chart so take a look at those.

Also....for those crazy insane over achievers out there, here is some examples I said I'd show if you guys plan on doing color AND putting them in the show's background. This is extra credit btw, you don't have to do this!

 That's it for now guys, good luck!